RWLSEE Chair Edita Tahiri attends the WPS-HA High-Level Side Event to Commemorate the 21st Anniversary of UNSCR 1325


RWLSEE Chair Edita Tahiri attended the WPS-HA High-Level Side Event to Commemorate the 21st Anniversary of UNSCR 1325, on “Generation Equality Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action: Translating Commitments into Achievements”. The key note address was given by the UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous and other dignitaries. Calls of speakers emphasized ‘urgency as ever before in making true gender equality in formal peace processes.” The event took place on 27 October 2021. Co-sponsors: Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the UN, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN, Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, African Union Permanent Observer Mission to the UN, GNWP, and UN Women

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