Nuna Zvizdić is a co-founder  and the director of Žene Ženama, a Bosnian women’s center for human rights, peace and security. She holds a Master Degree in economy from the Sarajevo University for Economics.

She is a prominent activist for peace, human rights and women rights and a leader of changes in favor of women, in difficult transition processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

She is a feminist and a peace activist, engaged in organizations and societies related to human rights, peace activism and peaceful conflict resolution. Currently she is a Steering committee member of Regional Women’s Lobby group. She is well-known in peace activism through her articulated views on peace and peacebuilding as well as a facilitator of non-violent communication and peaceful conflict resolution. She participated in numerous international conferences and meetings where she gave an important contribution on peacebuilding process using her exeprience from her countries tragedy and transition from war to peace. She wrote several articles on the topic of local peace building from women’s perspective, gender and national identity. She is a chief editor of the manual: Women and Women’s activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, To Be Peace – the local concept for peace building , and co-editor of the manual Fasilitacija (Fasilitation)-UVOD.

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