As Director of the AGE BIH she was in charge for development of governmental strategies to mainstream gender issues (the third generation of Gender action Plan of BiH and Action plan for the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 in BiH, Framework Strategy for implementation of Istanbul Convention in BiH) and lead the processes of development and adoption of the Law on Gender Equality in B&H. She also worked on establishment of institutional mechanisms for gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina including the Gender Center of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Gender Center of the Republika Srpska and committees in the legislative bodies. Ms. Filipovic-Hadziabdic holds a BA in Law, passed the Bar exam and study MA in State and International Public Law from the University of Sarajevo. She is an approved UN and Council of Europe expert and leads B&H delegations to UN sessions and constructive dialogues with UN treaty bodies. Also, Ms Filipovic Hadziabdic was Head of Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Sessions of Commission of Status Women in New York on several occasions, as well as during presentations CEDAW Report of BIH.
Ms. Filipovic-Hadziabdic has been a member of the Ad Hoc Committee that developed the Istanbul Convention. At present, Ms. Filipović Hadziabdić is the member of the Committee of Parties of the Istanbul Convention and the Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe.
In 2005 she established regional cooperation between gender institutional mechanisms in Western Balkans. She is a chairwoman of Regional Board for Gender Equality for the Western Balkans countries.
Prior engagements included Ms. Filipovic-Hadziabdic title of an adviser to the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a legal adviser to the Human Rights Department of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Mission to B&H.