RWLSEE Chair Edita Tahiri meets Gwi Yeop Son, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia in UN Development Coordination Office, 14 September 2021


RWLSEE Chair Edita Tahiri met with Gwi Yeop Son, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia in UN Development Coordination Office, on14 September 2021 in Prishtina, Kosovo together with Ulrika Richardson, UN Resident Coordinator in Kosovo. In a meeting they talked about peace processes and sustainable development, emphasizing the need for gender equality in decision-making and central role of women in in for more progress in these areas. Edita Tahiri in the meeting presented major achievement of the RWLSEE in promoting women, peace and security agenda and importance of regional cooperation among women to jointly speed up gender equality and peacebuilding in all seven focus countries of Western Balkans, while focusing on a bottom-up approach that starts from local peacebuilding to national one. She emphasized that more support is needed for regional cooperation among women organizations which are playing critical role in peace, stability, justice and security processes.

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