RWLSEE Bosnia and Herzegovina



RWLSEE Steering Committee Member, Director of NGO Žene Ženama, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Nuna Zvizdić is a co-founder  and the director of Žene Ženama, a Bosnian women’s center for human rights, peace and security. She holds a Master Degree in economy from the Sarajevo University for Economics.

She is a prominent activist for peace, human rights and women rights and a leader of changes in favor of women, in difficult transition processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

She is a feminist and a peace activist, engaged in organizations and societies related to human rights, peace activism and peaceful conflict resolution. Currently she is a Steering committee member of Regional Women’s Lobby group. She is well-known in peace activism through her articulated views on peace and peacebuilding as well as a facilitator of non-violent communication and peaceful conflict resolution. She participated in numerous international conferences and meetings where she gave an important contribution on peacebuilding process using her exeprience from her countries tragedy and transition from war to peace. She wrote several articles on the topic of local peace building from women’s perspective, gender and national identity. She is a chief editor of the manual: Women and Women’s activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, To Be Peace – the local concept for peace building , and co-editor of the manual Fasilitacija (Fasilitation)-UVOD.



RWLSEE member, Minister of Family, Youth and Sports in Gov’t of Rep. Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Was born 11.07.1952 in Banja Luka and completed school in Banja Luka and Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. She spent 30 years of her career in Education as a professor of economics in the Economic School in Banja Luka. In her extracurricular activities she worked with youth groups and with many humanitarian efforts. In 2000 she was chosen as the Chair of the Banja Luka City Municipality, in 2002 and 2006 she was elected as a delegate to the National Assembly of Republika Srpska. She is former Vice President of the Alliance of independent Social Democrats and former Vice-President of National Assembly of Republika Srpska. Currently she is Minister of Family, Youth and Sports, Gov of Rep. Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is married and the mother of two adult children.



RWLSEE member, Former Director Helsinki Citizen’s Parliament, Bosnia and Herzegovina

She graduated from the Architecture-Urban Faculty of Sarajevo in 1975. In her professional career she worked as a designer until 1992. Since 1996 she has been an activist in the Helsinki Citizen’s Parliament of Banja Luka and since 2003 she has been Executive Director and has taken initiatives and organized many activities and meetings as a contribution to bringing together people divided by war, building civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the area of Gender Equality. She received a Medal for Tolerance from the Association of multi-ethnic cities of Southeast Europe – Philia – at their 4th annual General conference in July 2009 in Sarajevo. The medal is given to individuals who make important contributions to promoting multicultural values and building good interethnic relations.



RWLSEE Member, Director, Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AGE BIH)

As Director of the AGE BIH she was in charge for development of governmental strategies to mainstream gender issues (the third generation of Gender action Plan of BiH and Action plan for the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 in BiH, Framework Strategy for implementation of Istanbul Convention in BiH) and lead the processes of   development and adoption of the Law on Gender Equality in B&H. She also worked on establishment of institutional mechanisms for gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina including the Gender Center of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Gender Center of the Republika Srpska and committees in the legislative bodies. Ms. Filipovic-Hadziabdic holds a BA in Law, passed the Bar exam and study MA in State and International Public Law from the University of Sarajevo. She is an approved UN and Council of Europe expert and leads B&H delegations to UN sessions and constructive dialogues with UN treaty bodies. Also, Ms Filipovic Hadziabdic was Head of Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina  to Sessions of Commission of Status Women in New York on several occasions, as well as during presentations CEDAW Report of BIH.

Ms. Filipovic-Hadziabdic has been a member of the Ad Hoc Committee that developed the Istanbul Convention. At present,  Ms. Filipović Hadziabdić is the member of the Committee of Parties of the Istanbul Convention and the Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe.

   In 2005 she established regional cooperation between gender institutional mechanisms in Western Balkans. She is a chairwoman of Regional Board  for Gender Equality for the Western Balkans countries. 

Prior engagements included Ms. Filipovic-Hadziabdic title of an adviser to  the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a legal adviser to the Human Rights Department of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Mission to B&H.