Lovorka Marinović is an international consultant for gender equality and migration. She is also a president of Center for New Initiatives, CEE Network for Gender Issues Regional Program Manager and member of International Bord, coauthor of several researches and books, producer of engaged documentaries, theatre plays and TV spots, and trainer in Croatia and abroad.
As gender and migration expert she was engaged by Medicines du Monde on assessment needs and improving protocols addressing cases of sexual gender based violence among women and children migrants and refugees in Croatia. Mrs. Marinović participated in the first civil society consultation on the development of a NATO/EAPC Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 and related Resolutions and was engaged by REC/EBRD in consultations on EBRD Gender strategy. As international consultant engaged by UNDP and Government of Montenegro to assess the national policy and assist in drafting a new Action Plan for Gender Equality in Montenegro she was engaged by EC TAIEX as independent expert on strengthening gender equality institutional mechanism. She initiated and coordinated establishment of Croatian national policy and strategy on trafficking in human beings, and is member of working group for preparation of the first Croatian National Action Plan on Gender Equality. She is also one of the founders of Stability Pact Gender Task Forces, member of several international expert groups for gender equality and for migration