Press Release – Statement in Support of Sonja Biserko
Press release
RWL condemns strongly the harassment on the premises of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia on September 30, 2008. RWL considers that the group of gangs who exercised such criminal acts in the name of international war criminals is trying to stop the voice of justice and humanity coming from the credible leader of the Helsinki Committee, Sonja Biserko.
RWL expresses full solidarity with Ms. Biserko, the outstanding human rights advocate and promoter of justice and just solutions for the region. We stand strongly in support of Ms. Biserko and call on the international community to undertake whatever measures necessary to make sure that her work and work of Helsinki Committee of Serbia continue unimpeded for the interest of the citizens of Serbia, the whole region and beyond.
We also call on the democratic institutions of Serbia to develop adequate mechanisms to provide necessary protection for Ms. Biserko, her team and all who work for a better life in Serbia and beyond. It is the only way to strengthen positive processes in the country.
Sonja Biserko is a member of RWL and we are proud of having such a prudent, resolute and courageous personality in our joint path towards sustainable peace, security and justice in the region.